Pet portraits are a favorite project for Warbler Creative. They make a unique and thoughtful gift, can perfectly commemorate a lost friend, or add a personal touch to home decor.

Warbler Creative is proud to offer pet portraits for any budget or animal, with customizable backgrounds. Watercolor is a popular choice, but portraits can also be created in pencil or pen. All that is needed to start is a reference photo, and portraits are shipped insured in extra sturdy packaging to your home. Free delivery is available in the Crystal Lake area.

A standard pricing guide is below, but we are happy to adjust to create something special for any budget! Each size is priced for a single pet, with an option to add additional pets in the same painting. Multiple pets may require a larger painting size. All that’s required to start is a good reference photo and a 50% deposit.

5x7” - $75 single pet, $25 each additional pet
8x10” - $125 single pet, $50 each additional pet
11x14“ - $150 single pet, $75 each additional pet

5x7” - $50 single pet, $25 each additional pet
8x10” - $100 single pet, $50 each additional pet
11x14“ - $125 single pet, $75 each additional pet

I am so excited that you’re doing this for me. I seriously cried when I get mine, by far the best gift I’ve ever got. Can’t wait to give someone the same.

OMG!!!! I LOVE IT!!! That is unbelievably perfect!!! WHOO HOO!!!!

That’s perfect!!!! That’s my Mosey!!! Sorry. Just brought a tear to my eye. Miss him so much.

They are awesome. Thanks you so much! Everyone has been asking about these paintings.

Oh my gosh!!!!! You nailed it!!! I can't wait to surprise my husband!!


Medical Illustration